UGC NET Paper-II June 2024 (Law) Re-exam Solved Paper | UGC NET Entrance Solved Papers PDF
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Find the UGC NET Paper-II June 2024 (Law) Re-exam solved paper on Legal Bites. The re-exam was held in August. UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) is conducted on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC) for determining to Practice the UGC NET past year paper to reflect on your preparation and increase your knowledge with the correct information. Practice the UGC NET past year paper to reflect on your preparation and increase your knowledge with the correct information. Practice makes a man perfect, and thus, solving the past year's paper will provide you with an edge over your competitors.
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UGC NET Paper-II June 2024 (Law) Solved Paper | Re-Examination
UGC NET Entrance Solved Papers PDF
1. In which of the following case it was held that the Preamble of the Constitution emphasizes the need to secure to all its citizens Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity?
1. Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala
2. K. S. Puttaswamy v. UOI
3. National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India
4. E. P. Royappa v. State of T.N
2. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Description | List II - Offence/Section |
A. Death caused by a child of 6 years | I. Exception 4 to Section 300 |
B. Death committed without premeditation in a sudden fight | II. Right of private defence |
C. Death of trespasser of the House who was escaping | III. No offence |
D. Death is caused in safeguarding property from mischief by fire | IV. Exception 2 to Section 300 |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV
2. A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
3. A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II
4. A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
3. Which of the following terms are defined under the Information Technology Act, 2000?
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, D, E only
2. A, B, C, D only
3. A and D only
4. A, C, D, E only
4. Which of the following are offences against public tranquility as per Indian Penal Code, 1860?
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. B, C, D only
2. A, B, D only
3. B, D, E only
4. A, C, E only
5. Arrange the following Conventions in the chronological order of their adoption.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, C, B, D
- C, A, D, B
- A, B, C, D
- D, B, A, C
6. What does "Ratio Decidendi" generally imply?
1. Reason for decision alone
2. Principles laid down in the case alone
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. Observations and opinions
7. Which of the following is NOT part of 'International Bill of Rights'?
A. Magna Carta, 1215
B. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
C. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966
D. Convention on Rights of the Child, 1989
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A and B only
2. A and C only
3. B and C only
4. A and D only
8. Which section of Biological Diversity Act, 2002 mandates approval of National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) before applying for any Intellectual Property Right in a foreign country?
1. Section 7
2. Section 19
3. Section 6
4. Section 8
9. Match the List-I with List-II:
List I - Commissions and Tribunals | List II - Initial Establishment |
A. National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) | I. 1992 |
B. National Commission for Women (NCW) | II. 2010 |
C. National Green Tribunal (NGT) | III. 2004 |
D. National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) | IV. 1993 |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
- A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
- A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
- A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
10. Independent Director may be paid remuneration by way of:
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, C only
2. B, D only
3. C, D only
4. A, B only
11. Arrange the following reasonable restrictions provided for Freedom of Speech and Expression in Article 19(2) of the Constitution in their chronological order.
A. Contempt of court
B. Incitement to an offence
C. Public order
D. Security of the State
E. Friendly relations with Foreign States
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, E, B, C, D
2. D, E, C, A, B
3. D, A, B, C, E
4. D, C, B, E, A
12. Digital Signature Certificate issued by the Certifying Authority can be revoked:
1. Depending upon the type of certificate issued
2. On the request of the subscriber
3. Under no circumstances
4. On the basis of dispute between the partners of the firm
13. According to Section 20 of the Green Tribunal Act, 2010 what are the principles that should be applied by the NGT while passing orders and decisions?
A. Principle of sustainable development
B. Precautionary principle
C. Polluter pays principle
D. Principle of absolute liability
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B and D only
2. B, C and D only
3. A, B and C only
4. A, C and D only
14. Arrange the following as per the procedure of Constitutional amendment in the United States of America.
A. Proposal by Congress or Convention of States
B. Governor of State submitting proposed amendment to state's legislature for consideration.C. Ratification by State
D. Governor intimating Congress about State decision
E. Getting ratification by 2/3rd states
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B, C, D, E
2. A, B, C, E, D
3. B, C, D, E, A
4. B, C, E, D, A
15. As per Article 324 of the Constitution of India, any other Election Commissioner or a Regional Commissioner shall not be removed from office except on the recommendation of the:
1. President
2. Chief Justice of India
3. Prime Minister
4. Chief Election Commissioner
16. Inland Instrument means:
A. Instrument drawn or made in India
B. Instrument made payable in India
C. Instrument drawn upon any person resident in India. Instrument that is passed by Indian Parliament
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B, C only
2. B, C, D only
3. A, C, D only
4. B, A, D only
17. Which of the following is not a condition for determining the capacity of a male Hindu to adopt?
1. Consent of wife under certain circumstances
2. Majority
3. Soundness of mind
4. Must be necessarily married
18. Match List-I with List-II
List I - Title of Books | List II - Authors |
A. Public International Law in Nutshell | I. J.L. Taulbee and G.V. Glahn |
B. Law among Nations: An Introduction to Public International Law | II. Martin Dixon |
C. Principles of Public International Law | III. Thomas Buergenthal and Sean D. Murphy |
D. Text Book on International Law | IV. Ian Brownlie |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I
- A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
- A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
- A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV
19. Arrange the following legislations in the chronological order of their enactment.
A. Indian Divorce Act
B. Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act
C. Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act
D. Special Marriage Act
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. B, A, D, C
2. A, B, C, D
3. C, B, D, A
4. A, D, B, C
20. Match the List-I with List-II:
List I - Type of Government | List II - Name of Country |
A. Constitutional Monarchy | I. Canada, Australia |
B. Dual Federalism | II. United States of America |
C. Presidential | III. Denmark, Bhutan, Belgium |
D. Parliamentary | IV. India and United Kingdom |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
- A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV
- A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
- A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
21. Constitution of India confers original and exclusive jurisdiction on the Supreme Court in cases where there is a dispute:
A. Between two or more states
B. Dispute arising out any treaty entered into or executed before the commencement of the Constitution
C. Between Union Govt and one or more states
D. Between Union Govt and any states on one side and one or more states on the other.
E. Dispute arising out of substantial question of law of general importance
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B, C only
2. C, D, E only
3. B, C, D, E only
4. A, C, D only
22. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - IPR Treaties and Agreements | List II - Corresponding subject matter |
A. Strasbourg Agreement | I. Trademark |
B. Nice Agreement | II. Audio-visual performance |
C. Beijing Treaty | III. International Patent classification |
D. Singapore Treaty | IV. International Classification of Goods |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-II
- A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
- A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
- A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
23. Nuisance is the interference with the person's right related to:
1. Possession
2. Leave and License
3. Use and enjoyment of land
4. Ownership
24. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Case | List II - Point of Law |
A. NG Dastane v. S. Dastane (1975) 2 SCC 326 | I. Desertion as a ground of divorce |
B. Court on its own motion (Lajja Devi) v. State (2012) 193 DLT 61 | II. Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 will prevail over personal law |
C. Saroj Rani v. Sudershan Kumar AIR 1984 SC 1562 | III. S. 23 (1) is not a bar to file a petition u/s 13 (1A) of Hindu Marriage Act |
D. Bipin Chandra v. Prabhavati AIR 1957 SC 176 | IV. Cruelty as a ground of divorce |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
- A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I
- A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
- A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
25. Arrange the following steps as per the law-making process of UK parliament.
A. First and second reading
B. Royal Assent
C. Consideration of Amendments
D. Committee Stage
E. Report Stage
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, E, D, C, B
2. A, D, C, E, B
3. A, D, E, C, B
4. D, A, E, C, B
26. A person can be punished for an offence under Section 369 of IPC, for kidnapping or abducting a child with intent to steal from the person. For the application of S. 369 of IPC, the child must be:
1. Under the age of 12 years
2. Under the age of 15 years
3. Under the age of 10 years
4. Under the age of 14 years
27. Arrange the following legislations in the chronological order of their enactment.
A. Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act
B. Right of Persons with Disabilities Act
C. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act
D. Forest Rights Act
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. D, A, C, B
2. C, D, B, A
3. C, D, A, B
4. B, C, D, A
28. Arrange in chronological order the following Fundamental Duties as appearing in the Constitution of India.
A. To Safeguard public property and to abjure violence
B. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture
D. To defend the country and render national service
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. D, A, B, C
2. A, C, D, B
3. D, C, B, A
4. D, B, C, A
29. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Concept | List II - Section of Relevant Act |
A. Unpaid seller | I. S.16 of Sale of Goods Act, 1930 |
B. Caveat emptor and its exceptions | II. S.45 of Sale of Goods Act, 1930 |
C. Minor admitted to benefits of partnership | III. S.30 of Indian Partnership Act, 1932 |
D. Registration of partnership | IV. S.69 of Partnership Act, 1932 |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
- A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III
- A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
- A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
30. How many independent judges compose the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?
1. 25
2. 20
3. 30
4. 15
31. Marriage of Hindu man with biological sister of his adopted sister is:
1. Void
2. Valid
3. Voidable
4. Illegal
32. In which year Limited Liability Partnership Rules of Third Amendment come up?
1. 2023
2. 2021
3. 1930
4. 2008
33. In which year "WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional knowledge" has been adopted?
1. 2023
2. 2020
3. 2024
4. 2022
34. Which of the following judicial decisions are related to Environment Impact Assessment and Environmental Clearance?
A. Sterile Industries (India) Ltd v. Union of India
B. Balram Singh v. U. O. I
C. Deepak Kumal v. State of Haryana and Ors.
D. Orissa Mining Corporation Ltd. v. MOEF
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, C and D only
2. A, B, D only
3. A, B and C only
4. B, C and D only
35. According to Section 6 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, which of the following authority has power to make rules to regulate environmental pollution?
1. National Green Tribunal
2. The Central Government
3. The State Government
4. The Pollution Control Board
36. Which of the following is undefined in the International Convention on the "Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Family, 1990"?
1. Migrant worker
2. Unorganised worker
3. Seasonal worker
4. Frontier worker
37. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Judicial Decisions | List II - Fundamental Rights |
A. Sri Srinivasa Theatre v. Govt of T. N | I. Article 20(3) of the Constitution |
B. K. A Abbas v. Union of India | II. Right to Environment |
C. Selvi v. State of Karnataka | III. Equality before Law |
D. Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra v. State of U.P | IV. Censorship |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
2. A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
3. A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
4. A-IV, B-II, C-I, D-III
38. Contributory negligence is a/an:
1. Obligation
2. Crime
3. Defence
4. Right
39. Which one of the following offence is punishable in all the four stages of crime?
1. Rape
2. Murder
3. Dacoity
4. Kidnapping
40. In which of the following case, the Supreme Court has held that Section 309 of IPC is not unconstitutional and is not violative of Articles 21 and 14 of the Constitution of India?
1. P. Rathinam v. Union Of India
2. Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug v. Union of India
3. M.S Dubal v. State of Maharashtra
4. Gian Kaur v. State of Punjab
41. Which of the following refers to "a clear and formal expression of recognition by a state through official communication or diplomatic statement"?
1. Implicit recognition
2. Collective recognition
3. Explicit recognition
4. Conditional recognition
42. Gap between two consecutive Board meetings of a company should not be more than:
1. 90 days
2. 120 days
3. 150 days
4. 180 days
43. If a Muslim husband swears that he will not have sexual intercourse with wife for four months or more, it amounts to a form of Divorce known as:
1. I'la
2. Zihar
3. Tafweez
4. Mubarat
44. Which of the following kind of IPR is regarded as community property?
1. Industrial Designs
2. Copyright
3. Patents
4. Geographical Indications
45. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - List in Constitution | List II - Subject |
A. Concurrent List | I. In Civil matters |
B. State List | II. Marriage and Divorce |
C. Union List | III. Public health and Sanitation |
D. Appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court | IV. Elections to the legislatures of State |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III
2. A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I
3. A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
46. Muta marriage is:
A. A temporary marriage
B. Recognised under Shia Law
C. Recognised under Sunni Law
D. A marriage for a fixed period: a day, month, year
E. One in which dower need not be specified
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B, D only
2. A, B, E only
3. A, C, D only
4. A, C, D, E only
47. Which of the following statements are correct according to National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
A. It repealed National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995
B. It repealed National Environment Appellate Authorities Act, 1997
C. The Act does mention about judicial pronouncements construing right to healthy environment as a part of right to life under Art. 21 of the Constitution
D. The Act does not define environment
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. B, C and D only
2. A, B and D only
3. A, B and C only
4. A, C and D only
48. Which actions are covered under the offence of violation of privacy under section 66E of Information Technology Act, 2000?
1. Non-consensual capture, publication, and transmission of intimate images
2. Knowingly transmission and publication of intimate images only
3. Non-consensual publication of intimate images only
4. Non-consensual and consensual capture, publication, and transmission of intimate images
49. Which of the following is not correct about Savigny:
1. Savigny was against Natural Law
2. Volksgeist theory of Savigny made it impossible for a Comparative study of law
3. Savigny did not recognize legislation as a potent source of law
4. Savigny was in favor of codification of law
50. Convention on Biodiversity was signed at which International Conference / Summit?
1. Paris Climate Conference
2. Stockholm Conference
3. Rio Earth Summit
4. Hague Conference
51. An independent director shall be eligible for reappointment on:
- Passing Ordinary Resolution
- Passing Special Resolution
- Approval of Board of Director
- Approval of Central Government
52. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Rule | List II - Explanation |
A. Rule of Foreseeability | I. Two or person combine to injure a third party by unlawful mean |
B. Rule of Proximity | II. Re Polemis |
C. Tort of Conspiracy | III. Negligence |
D. Test of Directness | IV. Wagnamound No 1 case |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
- A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
- A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
- A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
53. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
- A child in the mother's womb is a legal person
- A dead person has right to regulate his property according to his wishes when he is not living
- Animals are subjects of rights and duties just like human beings
- A partnership firm is not a legal person therefore it cannot sue or be sued in its name
54. Which of the following is not a source of International Law as per Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice?
- Judicial decisions (subject to Art 59 of Statute of ICJ)
- Writing of most highly qualified Publicists (subject to Art 59 of Statute of ICJ)
- Community customary laws
- General principles of law recognised by civilised nations
55. Which of the following led setting aside of practice of Triple Talaq as evident in the case of Shayara Bano v. UOI (2017) SCC 1
B. Section 2 of Shariat Application Act, 1937 is pre-constitutional legislation within the meaning of Art 13 (1) of Constitution and violative of Art. 14
C. Section 2 of Shariat Application Act, 1937 is pre constitutional legislation within meaning of Art 13 (1) of Constitution and violative of Art. 15 of Constitution of India
D. Triple Talaq can be injuncted by Supreme Court to severe matrimonial relationship
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. B. A only
2. A, C only
3. B, D only
4. C, D only
56. Which of the following Judgments are associated with the Legislative Supremacy of Parliament in UK.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A. B, C, D only
- A, B, C only
- A, B, D, E only
- A, B, C, E only
57. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Country | List II - Procedure and Authority to Amend the Constitution |
A. United States of America | I. Sections 38-49 |
B. India | II. Section 128 of the Constitution |
C. Australia | III. Article 368 of the Constitution |
D. Canada | IV. Article 5 of the Constitution |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
- A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
- A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
- A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-II
58. Arrange the following cases in the chronologically order of their year of verdict.
A. Vineet Narain v. Union of India
B. Kesavanada Bharti v. State of Kerala
C. Minerva Mills Ltd v. Union of India
D. D. K. Basu v. State of West Bengal
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B, C, D
2. B, C, A, D
3. D, A, B, C
4. B, C, D, A
59. M. K Ranjit Singh v. UOI (2024) deals with which of the following issue?
- Preservation of biodiversity and climate change
- Immigrants and Refugees
- Offence against children
- Cyber crimes
60. According to Section 4 of Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939, Apostasy from Islam of a Muslim wife:
- Will dissolve her marriage ipso facto
- Will not dissolve her marriage ipso facto
- Dissolves her marriage and she loses her claim to dower
- Dissolves her marriage and she does not lose her claim to dower
61. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Pre-requisites for protection | List II - Kind of IPR |
A. Distinctiveness | III. Trademark |
B. Originality | I. Copyright |
C. Industrial Application | IV. Patents |
D. Quality and Reputation of Goods | II. Geographical Indication |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III
- A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
- A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
62. After declaration of financial emergency what is the maximum period of its operation without approval of Parliament?
- One month
- Two months
- Six months
- One year
63. The Maxim "De Minimis Non Curat Lex" relates to:
- Affray
- Annoyance
- Cheating
- Slight harm
64. Which kind of Intellectual Property protection is available for trademark?
- Statutory protection alone
- Common law protection alone
- Both Statutory and Common law protection
- Protection under Trade and Merchandise Act, 1958
65. In which of the important circumstances Parliament can legislate with respect to matters in the state list?
A. To make laws with respect to Goods and Services Tax imposed by such state
B. In matters of National Interest
C. If a proclamation of Emergency is in operation
D. By consent of states
E. For Giving effect to International Agreements
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, B, C only
- B, C, D only
- A, C, D, E only
- B, C, D, E only
66. Arrange the following in chronological order (section-wise) as stated in Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
A. Procedure and Power of Claim Tribunal
B. Award of Claim Tribunal
C. Claim Tribunals
D. Application for compensation
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, B, C, D
- A, C, B, D
- C, D, B, A
- C, B, A, D
67. Identify the Common Law maxims concerning the Double Jeopardy.
A. Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto
B. Ex turpi Causa non oritur actio
C. Nemo bis vexari debet pro eadem causa
D. Novus actus interveniens
E. Nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- B, C, D only
- A, C, E only
- B, D, E only
- A, B, C, D only
68. Which of following cases are related to personal bias according to the Principle of Natural Justice?
A. A. K. Kraipak v. Union of India
B. Jacob Mathew v. State of Punjab
C. Mohd Yunus Khan v. State of U.P
D. Gullapalli Nageswara Rao v. State of A.P
E. Manak Lal v. Prem Chand Singhvi
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, B, C, D only
- A, C, E only
- B, C, D only
- B, D only
69. Which Articles were added to the Constitution of India to facilitate the establishment of specific Tribunals to meet the needs of Administrative Justice?
- Article 124 A
- Article 233 A
- Articles 323 A and 323 B
- Articles 338 A and 338 B
70. Which of the following is correct as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988?
A. Section 140 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 deals with the principle of No Fault Liability
B. United Indian Insurance Ltd v. Karamchand (2011) deals with third parties
C. Doctrine of pay and recover is covered under Section 149 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988D. As per Section 173 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, an appeal to High Court from the award of Motor Accident Claim Tribunal to be preferred within 60 days from the date of the award.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, C and D only
- A, B and C only
- B, C and D only
- A, B and D only
71. Which of the following statements are correct in case of Vicarious Liability.
A. Relationship of Master Servant
B. No control of master over the manner of doing work
C. Tort committed in course of employment
D. Control of master on the manner of doing work
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, B, C only
- B, C, D only
- A, C, D only
- A, B, D only
72. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding Asylum?
A. Article 14 of UDHR grants a right to asylum from persecution
B. Asylum also includes transfer of person wanted by an arrest warrant to the prosecution country
C. Granting of Asylum per se excludes any possibility of extradition
D. Extradition and Asylum are mutually exclusive
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, B and C only
- A and D only
- B, C and D only
- A, C and D only
73. Which of the following are functions of Controller of Certifying Authorities under the Information Technology Act, 2000?
A. Exercising supervision over the activities of the Certifying Authorities
B. Certifying public keys of the Certifying Authorities
C. Laying down standards to be maintained by Certifying Authorities
D. Summon and enforcing attendance of any subscriber and examining him on oath
E. Facilitation of the establishment of any electronic system by a certifying authority
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- B, C, D, E only
- A, B, C only
- A, B, C, D only
- A, B, C, E only
74. Arrange the following General Exceptions in the Indian Penal Code in the chronological order of their appearance in IPC.
A. Act done in good faith for the benefit of child by the consent of guardian
B. Act done in good faith for the benefit of person without consent
C. Communication made in good faith
D. Act to which a person is compelled by threats
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, B, C, D
- C, D, B, A
- A, B, D, C
- C, D, A, B
75. Indicate the correct sequence of the following sources of Muslim Law:
A. The Quran
B. The Ijma
C. The Hadis
D. The Kiyas
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, B, C, D
- A, C, B, D
- D, C, B, A
- A, D, C, B
76. Arrange the following provisions in the chronological order of arrangement in the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
A. District Consumer Protection Council
B. Central Consumer Protection Council
C. Central Consumer Protection Authorities
D. Investigation Wing
E. Consumer Mediation cell
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- B, A, C, D, E
- C, B, D, E, A
- E, C, B, A, D
- D, B, A, E, C
77. Arrange the following International Treaties / Conventions in the chronological order of their adoption.
A. Budapest Treaty on International Recognition of the Deposit of micro-organism
B. Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial Design
C. WIPO Copyright Treaty
D. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A, C, B, D
- D, B, A. C
- B, A, D, C
- D, A, B, C
78. Which of the following statements are correct as per International Court of justice (ICJ)?
A. The judgement is final and without appeal
B. No application for revision may be made at all
C. The Court shall deliver its advisory opinion in open court
D. The members of ICJ are elected for 10 years
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- C and D only
- B and D only
- A and B only
- A and C only
79. The contents of an electronic record may be proved under which of the following sections of Indian Evidence Act, 1872?
- Section 65 A
- Section 65 B
- Section 66
- Sections 61 and 53
80. Arrange the following International Humanitarian Law Treaties and Conventions in the chronological order of their adoption.
A. Chemical Weapons Convention
B. Arms Trade Treaty
C. International Convention for the Protection of the All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
D. Geneva Convention
E. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. B, C, D, A, E
2. D, B, C, E, A
3. A, E, D, C, B
4. D, A, C, B, E
81. Transfer of property between buyer and seller is explained in chapter III of Sale of Goods Act,1930.
Arrange the following provisions in the sequence of their appearance in the Act.
A. Property in goods passes when they are ascertained
B. Property in goods passes when the buyer and seller intend it to pass
C. In case of specified goods in deliverable state, property in goods passes when contract ismade
D. Risk prima facie passes with property
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B, C, D.
2. A, C, B. D
3. D, B, C, A
4. B, A, C, D
82. Which of the following is not a feature of French Administrative legal system?
1. Dual system of courts separating administrative and ordinary courts
2. Conseil d'Etat as the Supreme administrative court
3. Principle of Judicial Independence
4. Use of Stare decisis in administrative decisions
83. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Cyber Crimes | List II - Punishments |
A. Violation of Bodily Privacy | I. Up to three years imprisonment and fine up to one lakh rupees |
B. Publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act or conduct | II. Extend up to life imprisonment |
C. Identity Theft | III. Up to five years imprisonment and fine up to ten lakh rupees |
D. Cyber Terrorism | IV. Up to three years imprisonment with fine not exceeding two lakh rupees |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II
- A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
- A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
- A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
84. Under Section 24 of Indian Contract Act, 1872, if only a part of consideration or object is unlawful, the contract shall be: -
1. Valid
2. Voidable
3. Void
4. Illegal
85. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Jurist | List II - Theory |
A. Roscoe Pound | I. Life of the Law has not been logic, it has been experience |
B. Oliver Wendell Holmes | II. Law is uncertain and certainty of law is a legal myth |
C. Thering | III. End of Law should be to satisfy a maximum of wants with minimum of friction |
D. Jerome Frank | IV. Law is part of human conduct and in the idea of purpose. |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
- A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
- A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
- A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III
Q.86. Match the List-I with List-II
List I - Authors/Editors | List II - Titles of Books |
A. J. Crowe & K.W. Scheuber | I. The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law (ed), OUP |
B. Charlotte Lülf | II. Persecution International Refugee Law and Refugees: A Feminist Approach |
C. Mathilde Crépin | III. Conflict of Displacement and Legal Protection: Understanding Asylum, Human Rights, and Refugee Law |
D. Dieter Fleck and Michael Bothe | IV. Principles of International Humanitarian Law. |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III
- A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
- A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
- A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
Q.87. Who coined the English phrase "International Law" for the first time?
1. Plato
2. Cisero
3. Aristotle
4. Jeremy Bentham
Q.88. What includes "deliverable state" as per the definition of section 2 (3) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930?
1. State of goods in which buyer is bound to take delivery
2. Identified goods
3. Ascertained goods
4. Goods out for delivery
Q.89. Which Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is important in defining the powers reserved to the States?
1. Ist Amendment
2. IXth Amendment
3. Xth Amendment
4. Vth Amendment
Q.90. In which of the following Judgement, the Supreme Court has held that the Exception 2 to Section 375 IPC is violative of the right of girl child below 18 years?
1. Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India
2. Prahlad v. State of Haryana
3. Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar
4. Independent Thought v. Union of India
Q91. Comprehension
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.
The Shriram Gas leak case pitted the Supreme Court against one of India's largest corporations. CJ Bhagwati presided over the Supreme Court bench and was deeply concerned for safety of citizens. He was anxious to improve plant safety, a task which the statutory agencies seemed incapable of performing. The Honourable Chief Justice saw in the Oleum case a way of influencing the far more important Bhopal gas leak case. The Shriram case has also raised some important questions concerning the true scope and ambit of Articles 21 and 32 of the Constitution. The case also dealt with Principles and Norms of determining the liability of large enterprises engaged in manufacturing and sale of hazardous products. It also decided the basis on which damage should be quantified and whether the corporation should be allowed to function from thickly populated areas and if they are allowed what measures should be taken for minimising hazards to workmen. This led the Parliament to enact law & articulate new standard of absolute liability in 1991.
Sub Question 91: The Judgement in Shriram Gas Leak case influenced the decision of:-
1. Shrimp case
2. Goel Ganga case
3. Bhopal Gas leak case
4. Clean Narmada case
Sub Question 92: As an effect of Shriram Gas Leak case, the Law enacted by Parliament in 1991 dealt with:-
1. Private liability
2. Storage of hazardous substances
3. Absolute liability
4. Safety of plants and animals
Sub Question No 93: In the Shriram Gas Leak case, the Chief Justice was mainly concerned with which of the following?
1. Safety of citizen
2. Profit of companies
3. Disaster in community
4. Aftermath of gas leak
Sub Question No 94: The Shriram Gas Leak case did not focus on which of the following issue?
1. Scope of Arts. 21 and 32 of Constitution
2. Norms of determining liability of large corporation
3. Basis of quantifying damages
4. Measures of increasing profit of company
Sub Question No: 95: Statutory agencies seem incapable of performing which of the following task?
1. Safety of citizen
2. Plant safety
3. Safety of Community
4. Prevention of disaster
Q146. Comprehension:
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.
From the second half of the nineteenth century to the present, the Geneva Convention 1864,(revised in 1906, 1929, and 1949) and Hague Convention 1899 (revised in 1907) comprised one of the most extensive bodies of positive international law outlining constraints on state behavior. The Geneva and Hague Conventions are noteworthy not only for their content, but also for their widespread ratification. Accepting the Conventions was a prestigious symbol of membership in the exclusive "international society of civilized states," and most states ratified them sooner or later. The Conventions gave combatant victims of war-wounded soldiers and POWs-international rights to medical care and humane conditions of incarceration. The Hague Convention was built on a fundamental distinction between combatants and noncombatants, designed to ensure that Noncombatants did not become victims of war. Noncombatants were not considered legitimate military targets, and military occupation authorities were prohibited from exploiting civilian populations under their control.
Sub Question No 96: What do Hague Convention 1899 and Geneva Convention 1864 primarily outline?
1. Human conditions of incarceration
2. Constraints on State Behaviour
3. Rights of victims of war
4. Rights of wounded soldiers
Sub Question No: 97: What motivated the States to ratify the Geneva and Hague Conventions?
1. The Conventions being prestigious symbol of membership in the international society of civilized states
2. The Conventions being the most extensive body of positive international law
3. As the Conventions enlist constraints on state behaviour
4. As the Conventions prescribe international rights of medical care
Sub Question No: 98: Which International Instrument predominantly ensures that noncombatants did not become victims of war?
1. Positive international law
2. The Geneva Convention
3. The Hague Convention
4. International Humanitarian law
Sub Question No: 99: What makes Geneva Convention (1864) noteworthy?
1. It's content alone
2. It's widespread ratification alone
3. It's content and its wide spread ratification
4. The new international rights created by the Geneva Convention
Sub Question No 100: What was the fundamental distinction on which the Hague Convention was built?
1. Distinction between military occupation and civil population
2. Distinction between positive international law and laws of the war
3. Distinction between combatants and non-combatants
4. Distinction between military targets and military authorities
Answer Key - UGC NET Law June 2024 | Re-Exam
Question 1. [2]
Question 2. [4]
Question 3. [2]
Question 4. [3]
Question 5. [2]
Question 6. [3]
Question 7. [4]
Question 8. [3]
Question 9. [1]
Question 10. [1]
Question 11. [2]
Question 12. [2]
Question 13. [3]
Question 14. [1]
Question 15. [4]
Question 16. [1]
Question 17. [4]
Question 18. [2]
Question 19. [2]
Question 20. [1]
Question 21. [4]
Question 22. [4]
Question 23. [3]
Question 24. [2]
Question 25. [3]
Question 26. [3]
Question 27. [3]
Question 28. [4]
Question 29. [1]
Question 30. [4]
Question 31. [2]
Question 32. [1]
Question 33. [3]
Question 34. [1]
Question 35. [2]
Question 36. [2]
Question 37. [2]
Question 38. [3]
Question 39. [3]
Question 40. [4]
Question 41. [3]
Question 42. [2]
Question 43. [1]
Question 44. [4]
Question 45. [3]
Question 46. [1]
Question 47. [3]
Question 48. [1]
Question 49. [4]
Question 50. [3]
Question 51. [2]
Question 52. [1]
Question 53. [3]
Question 54. [3]
Question 55. [1]
Question 56. [2]
Question 57. [3]
Question 58. [4]
Question 59. [1]
Question 60. [2]
Question 61. [3]
Question 62. [2]
Question 63. [4]
Question 64. [3]
Question 65. [4]
Question 66. [3]
Question 67. [2]
Question 68. [2]
Question 69. [3]
Question 70. [2]
Question 71. [3]
Question 72. [3]
Question 73. [4]
Question 74. [1]
Question 75. [2]
Question 76. [1]
Question 77. [2]
Question 78. [4]
Question 79. [2]
Question 80. [4]
Question 81. [1]
Question 82. [4]
Question 83. [2]
Question 84. [3]
Question 85. [1]
Question 86. [4]
Question 87. [4]
Question 88. [1]
Question 89. [3]
Question 90. [4]
Question 91. [3]
Question 92. [3]
Question 93. [1]
Question 94. [4]
Question 95. [2]
Question 96. [2]
Question 97. [1]
Question 98. [3]
Question 99. [3]
Question 100. [3]
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