How to Register a Cyber Crime Complaint? – Complete Complaint Procedure for help from Cyber Cell
Scroll down to find a brief step-by-step guide on how to register a complaint on the NCRP portal.

In India, to register a cybercrime complaint, the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) has been set up. Complaints about cybercrime involving women, children, financial frauds and others can be registered here by providing the requisite information. Under these broad heads as enlisted above, one can register matters such as hacking, identity theft, online fraud, and cyberbullying.
Once the complaint has been registered, law enforcement agencies deal with the complaint based on the information given. The portal also has an option whereby the progress of the complaint can be tracked.
The portal apart from registering complaints of cybercrime, also gives access to useful resources such as cyber safety tips and guidelines to help prevent cyber incidents. A person has the liberty to also register himself as a cyber-volunteer or a cyber-expert on the portal.
The article provides a brief step-by-step guide on how to register a complaint on the NCRP portal:
- As the first step, the complainant has to refer to the “Cyber Crime Portal” at
- Thereunder, anybody who wishes to file a complaint has to choose the option on the top left that says “Register a Complaint”. Thereunder, specific broad categories have been provided which are: Women and child-related crime, Financial Fraud, and Other Crimes. Out of these, the complainant has to designate a category for the complaint that he is seeking to register.
- Once selected, a pop-up will ask permission to register the complaint to which the complainant has to click “I accept”.
- Then on the next page, the complainant has to click on “Click here for New User” and enter his details as asked in the form including Mobile no., Login ID, and State.
- Once the mobile number is filled, click on “Get OTP” and enter the OTP thus received.
- Along with OTP, enter the captcha as well, and then click on the “Submit” button.
- Once that is done, the Login page will open. The page will require all personal details from the complainant to be filled out such as Name, DOB, Gender, email ID etc. Once all the boxes are filled, click on “Save and Continue”.
- Then the complainant will be generated to the next page which will require information divided into 4 subheads that are: Incident Details, Suspect Details, Complainant Details and then Preview and Submit.
- After filling in the Incident Details, the complainant has to click on “Save as Draft & Next”.
- Then fill in the Suspect Details tab and click on “Save as Draft & Next”.
- Then fill in the Complainant Detail tab and click on “Save as Draft & Next”.
- Post filling in all the details, click on “Save & Preview”.
- Then the Preview & Submit Form will open where the complainant is required to check and verify all the details that have been filled by him and thereafter click on the submit tab.
Post doing this, the complaint then gets registered. The complainant can also download the complaint that has been registered in pdf form.
Once the submission of the complaint is successfully done, the complainant also receives an acknowledgement number. This has to be kept safely by him for future reference and for also tracking the complaint.
For tracking the complaint, the following steps have to be taken:
- Click on the tab that says “Track your Complaint” on the home page of the NCPR portal.
- Thereunder, a popup will appear where the complainant has to enter the acknowledgement number.
- Then click on “Get OTP” which you shall receive on your registered mobile number as previously submitted.
- Enter the OTP and then click on “Submit”.
- The complaint status will be displayed.
Thus following the steps as expressly detailed above, anybody can register his/her cybercrime complaint. The process is very simple and user-friendly to encourage and make more people aware of cybercrimes and the remedies available.
Click Here to know the steps for using the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCPR)