Health Insurance Regulations: General Principles, Insurance and Assurance
Health insurance is an insurance product which covers the medical and surgical expenses of an insured individual. It reimburses the expenses incurred due to illness or injury or pays the care provider of the insured individual directly. This article covers the characteristics of health insurance, the legal foundations of health insurance regulations in the United States, the Health… Read More »

Health insurance is an insurance product which covers the medical and surgical expenses of an insured individual. It reimburses the expenses incurred due to illness or injury or pays the care provider of the insured individual directly. This article covers the characteristics of health insurance, the legal foundations of health insurance regulations in the United States, the Health Vision 2020 policy of Oman and the various types of health insurance.
I. Introduction
Health insurance business in India has customarily been directed by the structure overseeing general insurance business as given by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) from time to time. Notwithstanding, because of a progression of advancements, a need was felt for making a particular framework for the turn of events and regulation of the activities of health insurance products.
In 2013, the IRDA gave the IRDA (Health Insurance) Regulations 2013 (Health Regulations 2013) alongside the Guidelines on Standardization in Health Insurance of twentieth February 2013 (Standardization Guidelines 2013) which set out the methodology and necessities for filing health insurance items and certain follow-through operational prerequisites[1].
II. Health Insurance Plan Characteristics
Health insurance pays the clinical costs caused by an individual as per the treatment of secured health risk. Health plans may incorporate clinical, drug, dental, and vision administrations by health suppliers. A health guarantor will regularly repudiate or restrict inclusion for known states of the guaranteed present inside an expressed timeframe before buying insurance. This is known as excluding “pre-existing conditions”.
Most health back up plans are restricted in the capacity to prohibit previous conditions for over two years following issuance of the approach. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) limits the capacity for guarantors to exclude prior conditions while setting extra taxation rates on the individuals who don’t buy a certified health insurance plan. It likewise approves the foundation of state and government insurance exchanges where people can buy an insurance plan. This framework permits people to buy insurance plans at rates equivalent to those of huge, business supported, insurance plans.[2]
III. Changes brought about by new health insurance rules
Regulations play a significant function in characterizing the development and eventual fate of any industry. Recently, IRDAI presented (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016, supplanting the standards set in 2013. The six significant changes achieved by the regulations are:
- Combi plans can be a mix of any life (earlier only term plan) and health plan
- Cumulative bonus in benefit plans allowed
- Wellness benefits
- Insurers have been asked to launch pilot products
- Standard declarations format can be flexible and insurers may design them independently
- Life insurers will not be allowed to offer indemnity-based products.[3]
IV. Types of Health Insurance
- Individual insurance plans: This is the most well-known sort of health insurance plan in India. Such a strategy just covers a person. It deals with your clinical expenses on the off chance that you get admitted into a clinic. The charge in such cases will rely upon individual factors, for example, your age, clinical history, and so forth
- Family floater insurance plans: As the name proposes, this sort of health insurance plan covers the whole family. It is like an individual approach aside from that the whole safeguarded for this situation is generally higher and is shared between the relatives. One of the fundamental favourable circumstances of such an insurance plan is that you need not oversee various policies. Besides, such approaches are likewise more cost-efficient than purchasing an individual strategy for every member.
- Senior citizen insurance plans: These health insurance strategies are uncommonly intended for senior citizens who are as a rule over the age of 60. Since elderly individuals are bound to make a case, the premium to be paid is higher in such cases. Additionally, numerous insurers don’t stress on a pre-clinical screening or exclude previous illnesses before giving senior resident insurance since mature age frequently accompanies health issues.
- Critical illness insurance plans: A critical illness insurance plan safeguards you for fatal diseases, for example, kidney illnesses, respiratory failures, cancer, loss of motion, and so forth. In such cases, the policyholder gets a single amount sum on the determination of sickness. In contrast to Individual policies, no hospitalization is required for guaranteeing the cash. Such a plan is fitting for the individuals who have a history of such sicknesses in their family.
- Personal accident insurance plans: Accidents are normal and the costs they bring along can deplete every one of your reserve funds. Individual accident insurance takes care of the expense of clinical treatment required after an accident. Normally, such a policy offers benefits against 3 functions – partial disability, all-out handicap, and demise because of accidents.
- Maternity insurance plans: These are women exclusive health insurance plans. Such plans give inclusion to pre-birth and post-natal costs alongside the conveyance and ambulance cost. A baby cover is additionally given wherein the costs identified with the new-born infant are concealed to a certain duration. Most maternity plans have a holding up period before they get dynamic. Subsequently, it is reasonable to purchase such cover when a woman gets married. These can likewise be taken as an extra to a fundamental policy.[6]
V. Legal foundations of state insurance regulations in the United States
The function of the states as controllers of insurance developed from the nineteenth-century view communicated by the Supreme Court of the United States in Paul v. Virginia that “Commerce” under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution did exclude making an insurance contract. Since an insurance contract was not interstate trade, the Supreme Court maintained state guidelines of insurance inside state borders. With the gift of the Supreme Court, the states for the following 75 years fused domestic insurance organizations of each sort, directed and burdened unfamiliar insurance organizations inside state borders, authorized their items, and controlled the connection between the insurer and the insured. During this equivalent period, the government didn’t manage insurance organizations.
In 1944, the Supreme Court in the case the United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association re-defined significantly the government state balance in the guideline of insurance. In the United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association case, the Supreme Court assessed a direct appeal from a government locale court that had dismissed an arrangement against 200 insurance organizations for fixing costs in interstate commerce disregarding the Sherman Antitrust Act. To keep up with the worldview of insurance guidelines set up by Paul v. Virginia and its continuation, the South-Eastern Underwriters case would have required the Supreme Court to restrict a demonstration of Congress as opposed to administrative endeavours by a state.
The Supreme Court inspected 75 years of decisional law that held that insurance contracts were “local” business and not “trade” under the Commerce Clause. At that point the Court surveyed the size, intricacy, and volume of insurance exchanges and observed that a “technical legitimate conception” instead of a ”functional one, drawn from the course of business” could keep on continuing the principle of Paul v. Virginia. The Court presumed that advanced insurance exchanges were “commerce” subject to the Sherman Act and the Commerce Clause.
The states and the insurance business were staggered by the “point of reference breaking decision in the South-Eastern Underwriter case.” Together, they gave their “mind-boggling support” to remedial enactment proposed to re-establish by resolution what the Supreme Court no longer presented by constitutional right. On March 9, 1945, Congress re-established to the states their essential part as the controllers of insurance by sanctioning the McCarran-Ferguson Act. Under the McCarran-Ferguson Act, the states could control and tax insurance organizations without the constraints presented by the Commerce Clause. Nonetheless, the McCarran-Ferguson Act held a government administrative function “to the extent that such business isn’t controlled by state law.”
As opposed to encouraging government guidelines without sufficient state guideline, the state insurance officials framed the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) soon after the entry of the McCarran-Ferguson Act. The NAIC arranged model represents appropriation by the states to block a government administrative role. The NAIC proceeds with today as an asset to which the two controllers and the managed may search for data on the guidelines of insurance and model regulations/rules.[4]
VI. Health Vision 2050 of Oman
Since 1976, Oman has experienced three particular periods of improvement concerning the health care area. The main stage ran until 1990 and was aimed at building Oman’s health framework. The subsequent stage ran from 1991 to 2005 and focused on the advancement of different parts of the health framework. The third stage started in 2005 and is currently focused on giving complete health care inclusion by utilizing high-level strategic planning to address the particular needs of the area.
In 2014, the legislature of Oman delivered a long term arrangement for the nation’s health care area, Health Vision 2050. The arrangement conceives a huge scope of interest in the health care area to additionally make an efficient and proficient health framework.
With the number of inhabitants in Oman expected to double by 2050, Health Vision 2050 means to set up to 10,000 health centres to fulfil the needs of a developing and progressively metropolitan populace. Health Vision 2050 means to move the treatment of non-transferable diseases out of the emergency clinics and give health care nearer to the patients’ homes.
Health Vision 2050 focuses on the developing requirement for geriatric care facilities, considering the old people living in Oman beyond 60 years age are expected to increase from 6.1 per cent of the populace to 13.1 per cent through to 2050. Home consideration ought to be accommodated for geriatric patients because it is hard for them to go to health centres just as the terminally ill and those with ongoing long term conditions. Oman has made noteworthy strides in building durable health framework, assembling the network, and advancing more prominent access in health care conveyance to guarantee the widespread common liberty to health.
Across the gulf nations and the Gulf Health Council (GCC), health care is personally associated with the macroeconomic standpoint at oil costs and proceeding with endeavours by governments to improve the conveyance of health care administrations for their people, both nearby residents and expatriate labourers. As each state tries to enhance its monetary base, the healthcare business is ready to grow further, as will the requests for health insurance. In a portion of the district’s bigger economies, for example, the UAE and the KSA, high expense development is required to continue, making the locale generally attractive to health insurance suppliers.[5]
[1] Celia Jenkins, Damini Ghosh and Priya Misra, Health Insurance Regulations & Guidelines: The Recent Overhaul, Available Here
[2] Common Health Insurance Plan Characteristics, in The Business Professor, updated January 24, 2015, last accessed October 16, 2020, Available Here
[3] Sunil Dhawan, Six important changes brought about by new health insurance rules, Available Here
[4] Edward F. Shay, Regulation of Employment-Based Health Benefits: The Intersection of State and Federal Law, Available Here
[5] STA Law Firm, Oman: Health Insurance Regulations, Available Here
[6] Types of Health Insurance in India, Available Here