Notification for the Appointment of Vice-Chancellor | CNLU (Patna)
Nominations are invited along with curriculum vitae from willing persons eligible as per this notice for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna.

Nominations are invited along with curriculum vitae from willing persons eligible as per this notice for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna. The C.V. has to be sponsored by reputed persons or institutions in the field of law or the legal profession. The person appointed as Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he/she enters upon his/her office, or until he attains the age of seventy (70) years, whichever is earlier.
Notification for the Appointment of Vice-Chancellor
Eligibility: A distinguished academician with a minimum of ten years of experience as a Professor of law in a University system or ten years of experience in an equivalent position in a reputed research and/or academic administrative organization, with proof of having demonstrated academic leadership. The Vice-Chancellor shall be an outstanding scholar in law.
Age: Not more than 65 years as on 1 June 2023
Selection Procedure: The Search Committee duly constituted as per the provisions of the Chanakya National Law University Act. 2006 (Bihar Act 24, 2006) shall consider the applications received by way of curriculum vitae, which are sponsored by reputed persons or institutions in the field of law or legal profession and recommend a panel of not less than three names for appointment.
The interested and eligible persons may submit their nominations along with curriculum vitae along with the sponsorship of reputed persons or institutions in the field of law or legal profession, in the given format, for consideration. The nominations may be sent by the applicant through Speed-Post/ Courier only, in the given format. (format may be seen at, in a closed envelope marked "Confidential" and "for the appointment of Vice-Chancellor, CNLU", addressed to Additional Chief Secretary, Education Department, Vikash Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna 800015 by 5:00 PM on 11 April 2023. Application received after the deadline shall not be entertained.
Format of application for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna
(The candidate can add more lines in the proforma wherever required)
1. General information of Candidate
Name |
| |||
Date of Birth | DD | MM | YYYY | |
| ||
Age on Ist June 2023 |
| |||
Address for Correspondence |
| |||
Contact No. | Mobile
Landline |
| ||
| ||||
2. Educational Qualification
Qualification | Year | Grade/Percentage | University | Subject/ Topic of Specialization |
Post Doctoral |
Ph.D. |
Post-Graduation |
Graduation |
3. Present position
Present PositionHeld | Organization | From (Date) | Total Experience (In Years and months) |
4. Academic/Research Experience/ Other Service Details *
Post | Organization | Duration | Experience (In Years and Months) | |
From (Date) | To (Date) | |||
Vice Chancellor |
| |
Dean / Head of Dept. |
| |
Professor or Equivalent |
| |
Associate Professor or Equivalent |
| |
Assistant Professor or Equivalent |
| |
Any Other |
| |
1. Attach a copy of the Order of Appointment as Professor of Law/ Professor or its equivalent.
2. Please add boxes as per requirement.
5. International Academic Exposure, if any: (provide supporting documents)
6. Administrative post(s) Held (On Full-Time Basis) {Please attach appointment orders}
S. No. | Post | Organization | Duration | |
From (Date) | To (Date) | |||
| |
| |
| |
7. Research Projects executed (Attach List – Preferably above Rs.10 lacs)
| Completed (No.) | Under Process (No.) | Approximate Value |
National |
International |
8. No. of Ph.D. Scholars successfully guided (Attach list)
| Awarded (In No.) | Under Progress (In No.) |
Ph.D. |
9. Publications (Attach list)
| National | International |
Number of Papers Published (In Number) |
Number of Books Published (In Number) |
10. Area of Specialization (Up to 100 words):
11. Scholarship(s)/ Award(s)/ Member(s)/Fellowship(s), etc. of Academic Societies: (Please attach supporting documents)
S. No. | Name of Award/ Fellowship/Member, etc. | Year of Award | Awarded by |
12. Your Vision for the Chanakya National Law University (Enclose Separate Sheet (s) if required (Maximum 500 words) :
13. Details of references (if any):
Sl.No. | Name | Position/Status | Contact Number | E mail ID |
1 |
2 |
3 |
I, hereby, declare that all the statements/ particulars made or furnished in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also fully understand that in the event of any information furnished being found false or incorrect at any stage, my application/candidature is liable to be summarily rejected at any stage, and if I am already appointed, my services are liable to be terminated without any notice from the post of Vice-Chancellor as per the Act/ Statutes, etc. and other applicable rules.
Date : (Signature of the Candidate)
To be filled by the sponsoring person or institution in the field of law or legal profession.
1. Brief description/credentials of the person or institution nominating the above person:-
2. Brief description of the reasons for nomination:-
(Signature of the Sponsoring person/authorized signatory for the sponsoring institution with seal)